Celebrating the Benefits of a Circular Economy in Bratislava
Bloomberg Associates worked with the City of Bratislava to involve residents directly in the circular economy by turning their Christmas trees into mulch.
Our goal is to make Bratislava greener and more pleasant for life … and be inspired by good examples from foreign cities.
Matúš Vallo, Mayor, Bratislava
Relevant Expertise
Implement Sustainable and Resilient Solutions
- Recycling
- Tree Planting and Protection
- Waste Management
Recognizing the environmental and financial benefits of extending the life cycle of raw materials, Mayor Matúš Vallo and his administration have been working to implement new methods that will reduce waste and encourage residents to be part of a circular economy.
With these goals in mind, Mayor Vallo asked Bloomberg Associates to help the City build on its successful Christmas tree collection program and raise awareness of the importance of a circular economy by expanding the useful life of the trees, diverting them from landfills and turning them into mulch.

In October 2023, Bloomberg Associates helped facilitate a knowledge exchange between Mayor Vallo’s administration and agency heads and representatives from New York City, home to a long-standing and successful MulchFest program.
Armed with NYC’s decades of data and resources related to logistics for large-scale tree mulching, marketing and communication strategies, and best practices for using mulch in City parks, Bloomberg Associates helped Bratislava develop an event specific to the city that would build on its pre-existing tree collection program and illustrate the importance of waste reduction and circularity.
After less than three months of planning, Bratislava held its pilot Christmas tree mulching event – Mulčovačka – in the district of Lamač on January 20, 2024.
Close to 400 residents of all ages brought their trees to be mulched and enjoyed free hot chocolate with their neighbors. Together, they created 1.2 tons of mulch – all of which was given back to the community in free canvas bags, increasing the visibility of the circular economy and their direct role in facilitating it. Residents were encouraged to use the mulch in their home gardens.
Building on this success, Mayor Vallo and his administration are planning to expand the event – and its reach – in 2025 by creating mulch that will not only be given to residents, but also be used to protect trees in parks throughout the city.
400 residents participated
1.2 tons of mulch created