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COVID-19 Economic Response and Recovery

Outsource programming to a local chamber, business, or other organization to improve delivery and cost savings


It can be sometimes cheaper and/or more effective to hire a third party to deliver your programming. This can be a public-private partnership, which leads to both cost-savings and greater community support.

The practice of outsourcing is similar to, but not the same as, the more common practice of cities contributing to a regional economic development marketing organization, that then pools these funds with private sector resources to deliver larger-scale campaigns and programs.

Cities have successfully used outsourcing to deliver:

  • Regional branding and marketing
  • Local business retention and expansion programs
  • Proposal preparation
  • Prospect lead identification
  • Inbound and outbound business recruitment missions (both planning and execution)


The chamber leverages a 4:1 return on city funding, with contributions from private corporations and local foundations.

A portion of the funding has been used to deliver four MAPS campaigns, which have delivered more than $3 billion in public improvements.


  • Collaborate with organizations that you trust.
  • Be very clear on your expectations regarding deliverables, key performance indicators, metrics and reporting.
  • Agree on a process and chain of command for decisions and communications.
  • Schedule regular update meetings to discuss progress/roadblocks and issues.
  • Keep councilmembers and administrators regularly informed.


  • Don’t let cost savings be the only driver in deciding whether or not to outsource. You must also trust that the vendor can do the job effectively.
  • Don’t expect the vendor to know about challenges/issues that you have experienced in previous years. If there are skeletons in the closet, disclose these before contracting.
  • Don’t forget that you may be the organization’s largest single source of funding. That means the impact of the relationship goes beyond the parameters of the contract. It is in your interest to ensure the recipient remains financially viable and civically responsible.

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COVID-19 Economic Response and Recovery

Issue Municipal Bonds to Offer Community Loans


  • Provides capital to people who may not be able to receive it (and at lower rates)
  • Stimulates demand in the local economy (e.g., providing capital to residents to purchase homes)


  • Requires financial expertise to implement
  • Assumes additional financial risk during a period of economic crisis

Impact: High
Implementation time: Low
Cost: High. Issuing the loans will require money to be set aside for the program, although repayment should enable the city to recapture investment. Some FTE will need to run the program, though vetting of loans should be done by professionals.

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COVID-19 Economic Response and Recovery

Implement a Financial Counseling and Work Assistance Program


  • Enables residents to make more informed economic decisions
  • Offers additional guidance and pathways for careers
  • Builds residents’ ability to gain access to credit


  • Assumes risk of providing financial guidance
  • Residents do not use the service and/or are unaware of the service

Impact: Low
Implementation time: Slow
Cost: Low Non-profit partners can take the lead on offering a lot of the programming, so costs should be minimal to administer.

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COVID-19 Economic Response and Recovery

Inclusive Ecosystem: Build Relationships and Partnerships to Increase Impact

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Toolkit: Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Entrepreneurs

COVID-19 Economic Response and Recovery

Implement equitable frameworks and rubrics in the recruitment and screening processes to reach hardest hit workers

Each example, to varying degrees, includes the following essential elements:

  1. Heavy reliance on real-time labor market information, partnership alignment, and employer engagement: All involve rapid assessment of data and realignment to new priorities and hit upon the key promising practice for all workforce efforts — they are industry-aligned or employer-led, and a broad swath of key trusted partners are engaged. There is a clear commitment to high-demand industries and occupations.
  2. Braiding traditional and more flexible funding sources: In each case there is a clear effort to align general funds, emergency grant funds and/or philanthropic funds to braid with traditional workforce development formula funding to ensure flexibility and responsiveness to immediate needs.
  3. Commitment to equity, as well as student and job seeker supports: These efforts have implemented new tools such as equity frameworks and rubrics in the recruitment and screening process, with a focus on transferrable skills between sectors, assistance to get back into the labor market in a temporary position and financial support to supplement temporary position income so that participants can also study part time to gain new skills. Each incorporates a heavy focus on worker and student wraparound supports such as case management, career navigation, and legal and mental health services.

Program Specifics Include:

  • Training and employment of over 300 residents for immediately available contact tracing related positions, with a focus on helping residents get on long-term career paths.
  • Majority of positions are contact tracers, but the project also employs a care coordination team of about 40, which connects residents to needed social services, as well as operations support staff, supervisors, directors, managers, and career navigators to support the temporary contact tracer positions.
  • Positions pay from $35,000 and up to $80,000 for the highest-level positions, and each includes a stipend to cover health benefits. Most last for eight months.

The project team carefully crafted new rubrics for screening and rating candidates prior to opening the job portal in June. The purpose of the rubrics is to eliminate barriers and bias in the process, while increasing equity and access to disadvantaged populations. These include detailed directions for applicant pre-screening, resume review, group screening and breakout session rubrics, and a rubric for pre-recorded interviews.

Once resumes have been screened through the portal, those that receive middle scores in the rubric are invited to a group interview with behavioral questions, while those that are high-scoring receive a link to pre-record an introductory interview, which will later be reviewed by staff.

The emphasis of the selection criteria throughout the interview process is on customer service and the ability to display empathy, as well as any other transferrable skill sets. This process provides opportunity for those middle scores to still advance in the process, with some being referred to shortterm upskilling programs, rather than being immediately referred to other programs and services outside of the Baltimore Health Corps.

Once hired, individuals in contact tracer positions begin two weeks of in-person training, and then their work is conducted from a centralized office building location until they are comfortable and competent with the contact tracing platform, after which they may opt to work from home. New employees are provided with a laptop and cell phone.

The provision of equipment is an equity strategy to ensure that some of those most at risk in the pandemic have the tools they need to be employed. Positions also come with employee supports, provided through MOED, including career navigation, financial empowerment counseling, and free behavioral health and legal services.

For a select number of applicants (up to 100) who show potential but might not yet ready for the contact tracer positions, the initiative offers a four-week community health worker training to help strengthen their candidacy. Completers are recommended to employers for priority recruitment, which serves as yet another equity strategy for upskilling local residents.

Key Partnerships:

The Baltimore Health Corps initiative is driven by critical partnerships. Key partners and their roles include:

  • Mayor’s Office of Employment Development is the primary workforce agency, providing planning and staff for the recruitment and screening structure, career navigation, and connection to behavioral health support and legal services (offered through with Catholic Charities and Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Services).
  • The Baltimore Civic Fund serves as the fiscal sponsor and provides assistance with fundraising and funding consolidation that supports streamlined relationships between funders and the city.
  • Baltimore Corps conducts recruitment, providing the application website and the recruitment structure.
  • Mayor’s Office of Performance and Innovation provides strategic and project management support.
  • Jhpiego provides operational support to the Health Department, along with acting as a training partner for contact tracers and providing structure for performance monitoring.
  • The University of Maryland School of Public Health is evaluating the program and will conduct a process study and summative evaluation.
  • They are working on final outcome measures and supporting the team by providing a summary of performance metrics.
  • The Baltimore Innovation Team (i-team) is supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies which awards cities multi-year grants to create highly skilled in-house teams that are dedicated to solving big problems in new ways — from reducing violent crime to revitalizing neighborhoods to strengthening the growth of small businesses.

The full list of partners and funders for this project include:

  • Abell Foundation
  • Annie E. Casey Foundation
  • Baltimore City Health Department
  • Baltimore Community Foundation
  • Baltimore Ravens
  • Bank of America
  • Jacob & Hilda Blaustein Foundation
  • Bloomberg Philanthropies
  • BGE
  • CareFirst
  • France-Merrick Foundation
  • Goldseker Foundation
  • BACH (Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Health)
  • Baltimore City Health Department
  • Baltimore Civic Fund
  • Baltimore Corps
  • Catholic Charities of Baltimore
  • HealthCare Access Maryland
  • Jhpiego
  • Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service
  • Mayor’s Office of Employment Development
  • Mayor’s Office of Performance and Innovation
  • Univ. of Maryland School of Public Health


The total cost of the initiative is $12.44 million. This public-private partnership was mobilized by a $3 million commitment from The Rockefeller Foundation through its Equity & Economic Opportunity and Health teams. The City of Baltimore has made a $4.5 million commitment to support this initiative, tapping into its CARES Act Funds.

Additional private funders and local institutions have contributed more than $3.6 million in support and include the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield (CareFirst), the France-Merrick Foundation, the Goldseker Foundation, OSI — Baltimore, the PepsiCo Foundation, the Rauch Foundation, the Stulman Foundation, and the T. Rowe Price Foundation. The city will continue to raise the remaining $1.3 million as the project moves forward.

Key Challenges:

Rapid partnership building

MOED and the Health Department had not previously worked this closely before on a combined effort at this scale. The entire initiative was built on leveraging virtual tools such as Zoom and Webex, from remotely coordinating partnership alignment and communication to recruitment efforts.

Prior to the pandemic, the Health Department had not previously relied on the workforce system for hiring needs, and did report having struggled at various times with recruitment and identifying applicants who meet the needs of a specific position but had not aligned themselves with the workforce system.

Through this new program, the Health Department expressed their satisfaction with the candidates that have been onboarded and working for a few weeks now. Baltimore Corps’ work to identify candidates who would be successful in this environment has been pivotal to their success.

The Health Department would recommend to other similar departments that are uneasy at taking on this challenge that it really has been an incredible experience, they are very happy and pleased with the results thus far and are looking forward to continuing the relationship.

Communicating vision to existing program staff

Developing processes for a large recruitment and placement initiative while not greatly expanding staff numbers (FTEs) could have been daunting to existing staff. Leadership developed a clear plan for weekly recruitment process flow and spoke directly with team members about the importance of the mission and value to the community. As a result of sharing the broader community vision, they were able to engender a sense of shared ownership and buy-in from staff as they launched the program.

Aligning communication strategy

Aligning a large multi-partner communication plan can be challenging in the best of times. At the outset, the Public Information Officers for each organization came together to engage their preexisting Joint Information Center (JIC) and worked to align their communication efforts. It had existed prior to the project; and, it was effectively leveraged in a virtual environment to coordinate the rapid building of this effort.

The Health Department took a lead role, along with MOED and Jhpiego, to get the word out to partners, and to the public through public virtual town halls, and at all relevant events held throughout Baltimore City. Additionally, they employed the use of multiple social media outlets, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Partners met weekly, and shared information frequently across major program components, and continue to check in regularly as needed.

Summary of Project Impact

The team has received 4,500 applications since the program launched on June 4, 2020. As of November 6, over 200 applicants have accepted offers to join the Health Corps, and nearly 175 have already started their temporary positions with HCAM and the Health Department. To serve these staff, the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development hired five career navigators and placed approximately 100 participants into community health worker (CHW) training through the Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare.

The program team has contracted with University of Maryland School of Public Health to act as external evaluators. They will track standard workforce metrics as required by their grants but are looking to move beyond the traditional measures. They are also evaluating the public health contracting side of the project, as well as care coordination. The team will also conduct a post-intervention analysis to determine if the Health Corps program led participants to long-term employment within a health care career pathway.

Cost and Time Commitments:

From initial award to program launch, this program took six weeks. The rapid pace was driven by high COVID-19 case volume in the late spring and summer and a recognition of immediate need. The time and resources required to implement this model will depend on a variety of factors including:

  • Availability and flexibility of funding streams
  • Flexibility of existing team to work overtime and adaptability to shifting priorities
  • Existing relationships and coordination with partners
  • Community support and outreach strategies



  • Do borrow from other models and adapt to local context.
    The team leveraged the Massachusetts Partners in Health model to develop their contact tracing hiring strategy to allow for an explicit focus on rapid re-employment of the unemployed. They could have focused on quickly hiring the highest level of education possible, but their local commitment to employing dislocated workers with an equity lens required different strategies. The team believes the Baltimore Model is a promising and adaptive approach for other cities looking to expand their contact tracing capacity while addressing their jurisdiction’s economic and social needs.
  • Do engage employers throughout the process.
    Because of the focus on upskilling participants and putting them on the road to clear career pathways in health, the team made the employer partners a part of the entire process — from weekly meetings to keeping them informed of participants’ training status. They were, of course, a key partner to the initiative, but their full engagement helped to drive the success of the recruitment process, and, in this way, demonstrated the key benefits of employer alignment. The employers’ public health expertise informed the program design and ensured that participants will come out of the program with the skills needed to go into full-time employment within an industry career pathway.
  • Do begin with a diverse and connected project management team.
    The core team at Baltimore City included workforce experts, epidemiologists, community health work practitioners, and managers across each of the program objectives. Through these diverse viewpoints and early, open dialogue about program aims, the team was able to align its workforce and public health aims towards creating the most effective program possible. The team began by developing a solid operational framework that leveraged existing partnership organizations to support rapid implementation. The larger core project team across partners included leaders from all of the aligned organizations, totaling between 45-55 members.


  • Don’t rely solely on traditional funding strategies.
    Alignment of private funds and CARES Act funds, with a small portion of dislocated worker funds, provided the program team the flexibility to move ahead with recruitment and hiring for positions quickly to respond to urgent demand. Flexible funds also allowed Baltimore to contract for legal and mental health service supports quickly, and to support CHW training.
  • Don’t rely on traditional hiring strategies.
    The Health Department partnered with the workforce team to craft job postings with no education requirements, which opened the process to a wide swath of the community. They also expedited their hiring process by working closely with Baltimore Corps and Jhpiego, employing the use of their existing online platform for screening candidates, and by developing a clear rubric and comprehensive plan for interviewing, training, and hiring.

Key Partnerships:

Key partners for this project include:



Funding was awarded to the Train for Jobs SA program in the amount of $12 million, with $8 million provided by the City of San Antonio General Fund and $4 million in Coronavirus Relief funding. Although they have received significant disaster grants, this program is separate and fully funded by city and county dollars. Co-enrollment and alignment with WIOA-funded programs is encouraged where appropriate.

Key Challenges:

Shifting to virtual delivery

Train for Jobs SA is working to improve virtual onboarding and orientation for participants. The project team is piloting online open sessions for orientations and the development of a video tutorial on how to sign up for services, to accompany the registration site.

Partner referrals and participant awareness

WSA noted that building system and public awareness is an ongoing challenge with any new program, yet it is critical to support referrals into the program. To address this challenge, the WSA team has launched a multi-modal messaging effort, including social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and numerous websites, to increase overall public awareness as well as reach specific populations targeted by the program.

Summary of Project Impact

With the start of the program in mid-August 2020, and active participant recruitment beginning in September, intake is active and ongoing. The team has developed a set of goals and measures for the project that include by September 2021 an anticipated: 4,000 assessed, 1,750 receiving case management services, 1,400 receiving short-term training, 100 receiving long-term training, 1,500 receiving stipends, and 1,000 placed in on-the-job training and employment. In the first five weeks of the program, 78 participants were placed in shortterm training, and 21 in long-term training.

Cost and Time Commitments:

With strong support from the Mayor’s office, funding was awarded during the summer and the program began in mid-August. In alignment with citywide equity goals, and more flexible funding streams, they were able to stand up a new, large program in a matter of weeks, and the program launched at the beginning of September. The time and resources needed to implement this model will depend on a variety of factors including:

  • Flexibility of funding streams
  • Buy-in and adaptability of partners
  • Ability to borrow from existing tools and structures
  • Availability of staff



  • Do start — and proceed — with good data.
    Prior to COVID, WSA determined high-growth occupations and identified the target industries that aligned with economic development goals for the region. Although WSA is operating under the assumption that many industries will return to previous employment levels post-COVID, they are also using real-time labor market information and job postings (such as Burning Glass and Help Wanted Online data) to monitor monthly shifts and pivot their training investments accordingly.
  • Do identify training providers upfront.
    Provide as many options as possible by broadening the training provider pool and expanding the ETPL. By expanding the list of programs to include short-term as well as long-term, increasing the variety of training to all of the regional industries in demand, and increasing flexibility in training schedules, the program can become relevant for a broader array of participants. Training providers are a critical part of the planning process and can support workforce staff in identifying training gaps more quickly.
  • Do focus on program awareness.
    Focus just as much on partner and staff awareness as participant awareness in your outreach campaign. Intentionally messaging the availability and value of services provided and quickly establishing an efficient process to drive program referrals will shorten the time frame between program design and participant enrollment.
  • Do focus on building trust between local elected officials and the local workforce board.
    A key to success of this project has been the positioning of the local workforce development board (LWDB) as a natural leader in the region. The LWDB is seen by local elected officials (LEOs) as a trusted entity with the ability to analyze unemployment data as well as real-time data to help officials better assess the current situation and those most impacted by the pandemic.
  • Do incorporate strategies to reach equity goals.
    The City of San Antonio uses an equity lens to prioritize investments and policy decisions. As previously noted, Train for Jobs SA uses an equity matrix to target key populations for recruitment and provides extensive support and wraparound services to drive successful program outcomes.


  • Don’t rely solely on traditional funding strategies. A key to standing up the program in short order has been the ability to identify flexible funding streams that allow financial resources to be implemented quickly and in an innovative manner. The board worked directly with the Mayor’s office and other local city leadership to make general fund dollars available to support this program.

Learn more about the Workforce Tactical Guide

COVID-19 Economic Response and Recovery

Increase Broadband Connectivity to Enable More People to Work Remotely and Support Business Growth

B. Subsidies

  1. Determine # of people who do not have broadband access due to lack of affordability
  2. Broadband providers often have data on who has not subscribed
    • Note: some people do not subscribe to broadband because they have other ways to access data (e.g., 3-5G on their mobile); however it can make it challenging to perform more broadband-heavy tasks (e.g., video calls).
  3. Work with broadband providers to see if complimentary access can be provided
    • Providers offer broadband to low-income Americans who qualify (generally eligibility is based on income levels and/or participation in certain programs), costing as little as $10/month. Many are unaware of this offering.
  4. Evaluate funding options
    • Ask broadband providers if they are willing to extend access, especially during COVID times. The cost to these providers is negligent if access already exists in the building/area.
    • Consider potential philanthropic partners to support this effort.
  5. Work with city council to meet short-term broadband needs for low-income residents.
    • Funding should be provided until 1) businesses reopen and people can return to work and 2) schools reopen.
    • Subsidies for a high number of residents could be significantly below cost (e.g., $5/month per customer or less). Broadband companies will want to set up many new accounts so there is a substantial upside here.
    • Pay broadband companies directly to avoid additional bureaucratic work and potential economic harm while waiting for reimbursement (e.g., do not require residents to pay and request reimbursement).
  6. Launch effort to inform residents of the new broadband subsidy program.
    • Be sure to focus on low-income and communities of color
  7. Track adoption rate and progress, altering program as necessary.
    • If possible, offer discounted access to new entrepreneurs (those with 0 employees).
    • Ensure that cost is tracked and that broadband does not become unaffordable


  • Ensures equitable recovery by enabling people to access jobs that may not be in their immediate area
  • Avoids health risks of travel (e.g., on public transit)
  • Enables businesses to be more competitive by offering lower-cost and more reliable services in the community


  • Costs can be high when facilitating access in more isolated communities
  • Affordability can become a long-term cost if steps are not taken to work with businesses to lower costs and facilitate access

Impact: High
Implementation time: Slow (subsidies), L (physical infrastructure)
Cost: High. It will cost millions to expand physical infrastructure for broadband or issue subsidies. You can expect to pay at least ~$5-$10/month for subsidies for each family without the internet. Actual costs will depend on local circumstances.

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COVID-19 Economic Response and Recovery

Invest in Adaptation


Keeping spending local is critical for economic recovery. By helping businesses meet the needs of surging resilient sectors, develop new sales channels, or create new lines of business; you are creating longer term revenue solutions than subsidies and loans.

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COVID-19 Economic Response and Recovery

Establish a Midsize Business Support Program (e.g., up to $250k loan)


  • Enables local businesses to access funds and expand faster
  • Offers flexibility for businesses, particularly if they are applying for larger government or commercial contracts
  • Investments in growing local businesses can provide significant job growth for local communities


  • Assume financial risk of supporting loans
  • Can be problematic if offered without support programs (e.g., financial counseling, entrepreneurial culture)

Impact: High
Implementation time: Medium (pilot), Low (full program)
Cost: High. Although the actual cost of the program may be lower (e.g., issuing loans and receiving payback) it will seem high because it requires expenditures each year, even though it will be repaid. If offering loans between $50K – $250K, and assuming several FTE to run the program, it could cost over a million a year even for a smaller program.

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COVID-19 Economic Response and Recovery

Give Preference to Local Businesses for City Contracts


  • Raises concerns among larger businesses that compete with small and local businesses
  • Needs to be accompanied by proper technical assistance for local businesses (e.g., access to capital, technical expertise) to ensure they are able to fully leverage opportunities
  • Can cause problems for businesses looking to compete in surrounding communities (if all implement this)
  • Could lead to higher cost of goods and services due to preferences which may mean more expensive suppliers, wages, etc.


  • Keeps government spending local, reducing leakage and increasing overall economic activity in the city
  • Supports local businesses and enables them to compete for government contracts
  • Provides structured mechanisms for local businesses to obtain a reasonable advantage in contracting

Impact: Medium
Implementation time: Medium
Cost: Low. The preference program itself is not expensive, although it may require several FTE to provide technical assistance and oversight.

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COVID-19 Economic Response and Recovery

Generate revenue by selling, or monetizing city-owned buildings, infrastructure, and other assets


Most cities own numerous real estate, infrastructure, and enterprise assets and have a concerted asset management program. However, this program does not usually prioritize investments/reinvestments which deliver economic development goals (which can yield longer-term returns for the city).

Cautionary Tale and Learning Lessons

  1. In 2008, the City of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley successfully lobbied for the approval of an agreement which privatized all of the parking meters in the City for a period of 75 years for an immediate $1.157 billion cash infusion (for a one-time payment towards the city’s unfunded pension liability). This agreement immediately drew the ire of the public who immediately saw escalating meter rates as well as the Chicago Inspector General at the time who proclaimed the agreement undervalued the system by $975 million. It is expected that by 2021, the initial $1.157 billion will be recouped by the private operator with 62 years left remaining on the lease. The agreement to commercialize Chicago’s Parking Meters is considered a case study in what not to do. As other cities such as Louisville, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati have considered commercializing their parking meter assets over the past 10 years, they have been much more cautious in their commercialization efforts.
  2. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released an article in March 2018, which summarized how cities can unlock their public wealth by, “ doing a better job of managing their assets.” Specifically, as this relates to cities in the U.S., the article references Boston, MA and outlines how the city ban expects to achieve better performance (i.e. up to fourfold based on the research cited) by simply analyzing and reporting their existing assets return on investment (ROI). As such, the article projects that Boston could achieve a 3% return on its commercial assets by managing these more professionally and with independent oversight.

(Click here for more information on Cautionary Tale and Learning Lessons.)

Cities can commercialize these assets by

  • Creating a public-private partnership;
  • Doing a sale-leaseback, which both provides immediate funding and alleviates future maintenance and operation costs; and
  • Utilizing them for immediate opportunities such as incubators/accelerators, shared workspaces, and maker spaces.

Best Practices from International City/County Management Association (ICMA).

Click here for ICMA Best Practices.

Cities should also consider whether a larger asset portfolio would be more attractive to partners. Cities may need to review existing regulations if they are to maximize the value of the assets.


It cost the city ~$6m less to repurpose an existing building, rather than build new. The incubator profits, which are in the range of $25,000 a year, are reinvested into start-up support.

Over 10 years, the incubator has supported 500 new technology jobs, and 50 new businesses, and it continues to be a viable venture.

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